Two Climate Change Theatre Forums will be held on Sunday, 26 September 2021 in Greater Lafayette, Indiana as part of a worldwide initiative of Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA). Co-sponsored by the West Lafayette Go Greener Commission and the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette, the forums include staged readings of 5-minute plays from CCTA, followed by an open forum with West Lafayette Mayor Dennis (at 2PM), Lafayette Mayor Roswarski (at 7PM).
Members of the Go Greener Commission will engage the community in a discussion of local initiatives to fight climate change. Action is central to this mission; those in attendance are asked to commit to one future action by posting it on a commitment board. The events are free and open to the public (no ticketing).
Featured Playwrights:
Chantal Bilodeau – HOMO SAPIENS
Elaine Ávila – BRACKENDALE
David Geary – SCIENCE IS DEAD!
Nicolas Billon – THE PENGUIN
Marcia Johnson – SINGLE USE
Elyne Quan – POND LIFE