Climate Change II Festival

TheaterLab 357 W. 36th St, New York, NY, United States

On November 15th, MultiStages will present Climate Change II Festival, with short plays from Uganda, Canada, India, Brazil, Colombia and the US. Proceeds will benefit hurricane relief efforts for the people of Puerto Rico. Directed by Lorca Peress and choreographed…

Climate Change Theatre Action at the University of Missouri

University of Missouri, Rhynsburger Theatre 129 Fine Arts Building, Columbia, MO, United States

On November 16th, we will be performing a series of staged readings, followed by a panel discussion by arts and science faculty.  The panel will focus on breaking down the science/art boundary, and how students can become more active in…

In/Visible’s Biannual Staged Reading Series

Greer Studio Theatre (ASU) 480 Howard St, Boone, NC, United States

In/Visible Theatre is excited to be collaborating with Appalachian State University’s Playcrafters Club this year, in In/Visible’s biannual Staged Reading Series. This year we are honored to be presenting a number of short plays offered by the Climate Change Theatre…

Six Short Plays

Pendulum Space 1803 W. Byron Street, Suite 216, Chicago, IL, United States

The Play’s the Thing is working with a small ensemble of actors to perform six short plays provided by CCTA as well as devised interludes. Following the performance, a panel of experts will answer questions and provide information about how…

Climate Change Theatre Action on KUNM Radio

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, United States

On November 12, Camino Real will join the worldwide Climate Change Theatre Action presenting an hour of radio plays on KUNM’s Radio Theatre. We are to record at KUNM, University of New Mexico campus, on November 5 and then broadcast…

Theatre for Social Justice

Creighton University Creighton Studio Theatre Omaha, NE, United States

Amy Lane, PhD, assistant professor and coordinator of Creighton’s theatre and dance programs in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts, is teaching the Theatre for Social Justice class focused on climate change and culminating in a November 17 performance…

Climate Change Theatre Action at Eckerd College

Eckerd College 4200 54th Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL, United States

Eckerd College will present a public reading of select plays on Tuesday October 24 at 6pm. The reading will be about an hour long. Featured playwrights are: Chantal Bilodeau, HOMO SAPIENS Elaine Ávila, BRACKENDALE Elspeth Tilley, THE PENGUINS Lisa Schlesinger,…

The Children’s Zero Waste Climate Quilt Project

Taipei Economic & Cultural Office 1 E 42nd St, New York, NY, United States

Human Impact Institute Resident Artist Danielle Baudrand of The Children’s Zero Waste Climate Quilt Project will partner with artists Chantal Bilodeau and Julia Levine, both of Climate Change Theatre Action, and contributing artist Dorothee Pierrard, to engage students from Public Elementary School…

IMPROV and Eco-Theatre Action

Mainstage Theatre on the UAA Campus 3211 Providence Dr, Anchorage, AK, United States

Presented by the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Ad-lib Alchemists. Featuring improv comedy by the Ad-Lib Alchemists and readings of short plays performed by UAA students, faculty and staff from Theatre and Dance, English, Environmental Studies, the Institute of Social and…

The K-State Purple Reader’s Project

Nichols Hall at K-State Manhattan, KS, United States

The K-State Purple Reader’s Project will present a Climate Change Theatre Action event on November 7, 2017. Featured playwrights are: Elaine Ávila, BRACKENDALE Maya Zbib, SARDINES Philip Braithwaite, SWINGING AMONG THE STARS Chantal Bilodeau, HOMO SAPIENS