Nibi (Water) Protectors

  • Eco-Design Charrette

  • CCTA at Toronto Cold Reads

  • An Evening of Action Theatre

  • Take Ten for Climate Change at the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama

  • Climate Change Theatre Action Greenfield

  • Weesageechak Begins to Dance

  • Weesageechak Begins to Dance

Commissioned for Climate Change Theatre Action
Is your paycheck worth more than our clean drinking water?

In the midst of a protest against a corporation’s intrusion on Indigenous land, Neeko, an Anishinaabe woman, takes a stand to protect her people’s water and ancestral territory. Her encounter with Kenny, a conflicted RCMP officer, exposes the complexities of the situation. Together, they grapple with loyalty, justice, and the price of protecting their heritage in the face of corporate interests.