The Earth’s Blue Heart
NYU Abu Dhabi Theater Program’s Climate Change Theatre Action Readings
Climate Change Theatre Action in Ms. Maley’s New Paltz, New York Class
Climate Change Theatre Action: Lighting the Way
“Your House is on Fire”
Lighting The Way: Climate Change Theatre Action in Calgary, Alberta
An Evening of Action Theatre
Lighting the Way: Six Plays That Invite Us to Participate in a Global Conversation, to Talk to Each Other for a While About Our World, Our Environment, Our Earth
Performing Climate Change in Hamburg, Germany
Climate Change Theatre Action at Harvard
Climate Change Theatre Action Fraser Valley
Water Radio: Reading Camp
Climate Change Theatre Action Day: Sonoma County, California
Performances/Readings of Climate-Themed Plays
Lighting the Way: Nine Short Plays That Stubbornly Celebrate a Sustainable Future
Two humans use imaginary binoculars to witness signs that lead them to a profound realization about their relationship with the natural world. Meanwhile, a group engages in a public discourse about the right to have a meaningful connection with nature.
NYU Abu Dhabi Theater Program’s Climate Change Theatre Action Readings
Climate Change Theatre Action in Ms. Maley’s New Paltz, New York Class
Climate Change Theatre Action: Lighting the Way
“Your House is on Fire”
Lighting The Way: Climate Change Theatre Action in Calgary, Alberta
An Evening of Action Theatre
Lighting the Way: Six Plays That Invite Us to Participate in a Global Conversation, to Talk to Each Other for a While About Our World, Our Environment, Our Earth
Performing Climate Change in Hamburg, Germany
Climate Change Theatre Action at Harvard
Climate Change Theatre Action Fraser Valley
Water Radio: Reading Camp
Climate Change Theatre Action Day: Sonoma County, California
Performances/Readings of Climate-Themed Plays
Lighting the Way: Nine Short Plays That Stubbornly Celebrate a Sustainable Future