The Pageant

  • Heartbeats for the Earth: The Power of Humanity

  • TheaterCNU’s 2023 One-Act Play Festival

  • Climate Change Theatre Action 2021 at Ames High School

  • Climate Change Theatre Action 2021 at Ames Middle School

  • Climate Change Theatre Action 2021 at the Octagon Art Festival

  • Envisioning a Global Green New Deal

  • Climate Change Theatre Action in Evansville, IN

  • Hamburg Players Climate Action Play Reading

  • Paula Cizmar

Commissioned for Climate Change Theatre Action
It was some sneering smart-alecky remark made by some climate change denier politician!

Gaia and Gai-ette struggle to balance tradition and truth while planning the annual Pageant of The New Green Planet. Gaia’s insistence on commemorating the hardships and collective effort that led to a greener world clashes with Gai-ette’s desire to keep the magical Unicorn Tears segment, which has become a cherished part of the event. As they grapple with memories and ideals, they strive to pass on the legacy of hope, perseverance, and responsibility to future generations.