February 10 @ 2:40 pm

In this workshop with for youth from the local Hamburg area, participants will learn theatre basics in English as well as about the themes explored in a few plays about climate change. They will learn how one can create their own climate change theatre piece and also work together in groups to rehearse and play their own version of these pieces or their very own.
Feature playwrights are:
Nicolas Billon – THE PENGUIN
Mwendie Mbugua – SMALL BUT MIGHTY
At the end of this intense theatre weekend of workshops, the participants will perform their Climate Change Theatre Action piece (either from the collection shared with us or their own creations) with an invited public audience at the KreativeHaus Eimsbüttel. Afterwards, the public and participants will have discussions about the themes that are covered in the plays and look at ways to create more awareness through art, theatre, and creativity, and action to stop climate change.
Between Stages e.V. is an international organization whose mission is through theatre, play, and creativity, to support youth, children, and young adults from marginalized backgrounds to be powerful agents of their own lives and positive contributors to society. Between Stages offers workshops, training courses, and events year-round and throughout the world using various methods such as improv, clowning, mime, dance, film, and additional forms or theatre.
Participant fee: 20€ for the entire workshop