Poslední díl 8@8 (The Last Edition of 8@8)

Dec 122019

Theatre Letí has been presenting staged readings for more than 15 years. Every year, we present several plays at events called Cycle 8@8. But we have made the decision to end this program and continue next year with a slightly different concept. To celebrate The Last Edition of 8@8, on December 12 we are presenting Volkers Schimdts Textile Trilogy and three CCTA plays:


Hassan Abdulrazzak – Karkulka a vlk (LAILA PINES FOR THE WOLF)
Alister Emerson – Dnes ráno spadlo z nebe šest polárních medvědů (SIX POLAR BEARS FELL OUT OF THE SKY THIS MORNING)
Mike van Graan: #youtoo


Translation: David Košťák
Dramaturgy: David Košťák, Marie Špalová
Set Design: Jana Špalová
Director: Martina Schlegelová


We hope that ecology and climate change will become serious topics not only for our society but also for world leading politicians! Join us and let’s show that we care!