February 16 @ 11:18 am

An immersive climate theater experience paired with activism.
On Saturday, October 23rd from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm, in Scenic Hudson’s Long Dock Park in Beacon, NY, Hudson Valley and NYC-based artists will read a selection of plays commissioned by Climate Change Theatre Action:
Miranda Rose Hall – THE OYSTERS
Madeline Sayet – WHAT WE GIVE BACK
In addition, actors will read a portion of full-length play and eco-parable, ESCAPEGOAT, by May Treuhaft-Ali. There will be poetry readings by Edwin Torres and Tom King, music by Elizabeth Clark (SEEDS UNDER NUCLEAR WINTER: AN EARTH OPERA), and visual art and activism. Additional participants include: Hudson River Playback Theatre, Katiana Rangel, Twinkle Burke, Andrew Brehm, Jean Brennan. Beacon Conservation Advisory Committee, Sustainable Hudson Valley, Fareground, Clearwater, Climate Reality Hudson Valley & Catskills chapter and others will be present to provide ways for the community to take action.
This event is part of Hudson Valley Climate Solutions Week, organized by Sustainable Hudson Valley. Produced by Eve Morgenstern, Brian Mendes, and Connie Hall. Contact: Eve Morgenstern for more information, [email protected].
1:00 pm Activism & Art: Environmental groups present to provide actions & Beacon-based artist Jean Brennan will share FRUIT&ROT, an imprint centered around art and ecology.
2:00pm Performance Loops: Sign up begins at 1:30 pm for the three walking tours of micro-performances that will take you along the wooded paths, tall grasses, and beach areas of the park. Tours start at 2:00 pm, 2:15 pm, and 2:30 pm, and last approximately one hour. Twenty people maximum on each tour and sign up is first-come, first-served. We can provide masks. Wear comfortable shoes!
Beginning at approximately 2:15 pm, performances by Hudson River Playback Theatre, Edwin Torres, and Twinkle Burke will take place around the perimeter of the green field next to the long dock. These performances are open to all. They will take place in a loop and last until approximately 3:30 pm. Bring your folding chair!
Use of Long Dock Park for this event has been provided by Scenic Hudson. The leading environmental organization focused on the Hudson River Valley, it is dedicated to creating environmentally healthy communities, championing smart economic growth, protecting working farms, opening up river fronts to the public and preserving the valley’s beauty and natural resources. Since its founding in 1963, Scenic Hudson has permanently protected 25,000 acres of irreplaceable landscapes and created or enhanced more than 40 parks.