‘When’ by Wren Brian in Whitehorse, Yukon

Dec 132021

In this iteration of WHEN by Wren Brian, director Nicole Schafenacker has brought together text, field recordings from nature, and original music composition into a short audio play. The play features voice-work by actors, Jordan Kaltenbruner, Meredith Pritchard, Nicole Schafenacker and original sound design and music composition by Ashley Weckesser.

The project will be shared virtually as well as broadcast on Whitehorse community radio station CJUC 92.5 on the program Bird Bath Radio hosted by Roberta Nakoochee from 9:00-9:30 am MST on December 12. WHEN explores human and non-human relations and how we are inseparably linked to one another. We have worked collaboratively with Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Yukon Chapter and their campaign to project local wildlife corridor, McIntyre Creek/Chasán Chúa. This project features field recordings by CPAWS from the wildlife corridor in the sound design for our project. We are thrilled invite you into the realm of wonder and potential for the future that WHEN evokes.

The audio-play will be available to stream between December 12-18. Please check the Facebook event for details.

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